
Thursday May 19, 2016
5/17/2016: Paranormal News Insider: Episode #265
Thursday May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
An old cyptid classic translated for the rest of us, grab your torch – the werewolf hunt is on! Bigfoot sighting near recent event, more perspective on Hillary’s potential disclosure, Scooby Doo on the loose, and did a 15 year old boy discover a Maya civilization? Fishing trip find blows up in fishermen’s faces, how not to end a rabbit hunting trip and no woman no cry. Plus the book of the week (UFOs: The Great Debate: An Objective Look at Extraterrestrials, Government Cover-Ups, and the Prospect of First Contact by J. Allan Danelek).

Wednesday May 11, 2016
5/10/2016: Paranormal News Insider: Episode #264
Wednesday May 11, 2016
Wednesday May 11, 2016
A review of the PA Bigfoot Camping Adventure, Audrey Hamilton of MUFON joins the show for a review of the Eerie UFO Conference, Bigfoot possibly found in Ohio, Kepler Space Telescope update from today, and the side effects of ghost investigating. Plus the book of the week (Cougar Attacks: Encounters of the Worst Kind by Kathy Etling).

Wednesday May 04, 2016
5/03/2016: Paranormal News Insider: Episode #263
Wednesday May 04, 2016
Wednesday May 04, 2016
A possible jackalope witnessed in Wisconsin, the hunt is on for “Champ”, Paris finds a dish, MUFON sighting statistics for April, proof of Heaven obtained, pop goes the weasel, and Bigfoot found and photographed in England. Plus upcoming conferences and conventions plus the book of the week (Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook by Stan Gordon).

Thursday Apr 28, 2016
4/26/2016: Paranormal News Insider Episode #262
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
PNI returns after a week's vacation. A review of the Butler Paranormal Convention, urban legend claims a victim, the remains of the Loch Ness Monster discovered, MUFON sighting statistics update, new technology for UFO investigations, and psychic wins the lottery! Plus the book of the week (Handbook for the Amateur Cryptozoologist by Brian D. Parsons).

Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
4/12/2016: Paranormal News Insider Episode #261
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Loch Ness Monster on the move? An article in Playboy about haunted places, yes an article! A ghost is exposed in the U.K. Cryonics takes a giant hop forward and how reliable are witnesses? How about that “Bear chasing the snowboarder” video? Plus the book of the week (SAS Tracking Handbook by Barry Davies) plus conference/convention updates.

Thursday Apr 07, 2016
4/05/2016: Paranormal News Insider Episode #260
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Science conclusively proves Bigfoot exists! Rare rhino comes out of hiding and ultimately dies. Twitter battle over Bigfoot sounds. MUFON sighting statistics update. The subject we cannot avoid; death. Was that a flying goat? New technologies that may help eliminate false positive paranormal photos. Plus, the book of the week which is actually three articles on "The Science of Death" in April's National Geographic Magazine (National Geographic Magazine April 2016; Crossing Over: How Science is Redefining Life and Death, What it's Like to Escape from the Brink of Death, When Death Doesn't Mean Goodbye).

Thursday Mar 31, 2016
3/29/2016: Paranormal News Insider Episode #259
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Atlas bear update. Keep an eye out for the tiger! Bigfoot replaces the gopher. Another UFO crashes in Roswell. Will the Stanley Hotel be closing its doors to ghost hunters? Randi takes his money off the table. The Ten Commandments of Ghost Hunting revealed. Keep your eyes in the skies for the green comet, and a “cheesy” story about purported satanic rituals. Plus, the book of the week (The Best of Sasquatch Bigfoot by John Green) and conference/convention updates.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
3/22/2016: Paranormal News Insider Episode #258
Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
Update on the Polish Merman, an Atlas Bear sighting? MUFON sighting statistics update, its "fine" for “Dead Time”, woman disappears at airport (explained), Aflockalypse (2016), and fireballs continue to fall all over the world! Plus the book of the week (Ghostly Encounters: Confessions of a Paranormal Investigator by Jeff Scott Cole and Johnathon Robson) plus conference/convention updates.

Thursday Mar 17, 2016
3/15/2016: Paranormal News Insider Episode #257
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Invasion of the Globsters, search widens for the Loch Ness Monster, the CubeSat is getting ready for launch to find UFOs, Paris needs help to buy an antenna and is ghost investigation unethical? A top secret base near Area 51 is secret no more! The book of the week (The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan and Barbara Pease) plus updates on conferences and conventions.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
3/08/2016: Paranormal News Insider Episode #256
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Wooly mammoths and cave lions coming soon! A police officer reports a UFO, a UFO researcher may have found missing flight MH370, same researcher identifies UFO on the back of a truck, and will Hillary Clinton disclose UFO information? A “hairy” situation in Memphis leads to murders, robberies, and demons. Plus the book of the week (I Met a Ghost at Gettysburg: A Journalist's Journey Into the Paranormal by Don Allison)